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ShoreLines is published by Pages Design and Print
It’s an opportunity for local organisations to showcase what they do, as well as an advertising opportunity for the many varied businesses, restaurants and cafés operating in the East Coast Bays area.
You’ll find the Bays Community Centre Newsletter across our centre pages, so you can get involved with local non-profits, clubs and good causes.
In a regular column, our ECB electorate MP, Erica Stanford, keeps us informed about what’s happening now and what future planning is being considered.
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Citizens Arrest
Citizens Arrest: What it is, what it’s becoming and what it means for our local community Citizen’s Arrest - We’ve all heard of it, but for many of us, it’s something we haven’t given much thought. To be honest, if you asked me last month, I wouldn’t have been able to tell you if it was real, made up for American movies, or just an old-fashioned practice lost to history. But recently, it started turning up in the news and I started paying attention. I learned that citizen’s arrest is [...]
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